Uncover your campaign terrain.

Flexible Field Solutions



Paid Door-to-Door Targeting and Outreach

In the new political and social media atmosphere the cost of political information has decreased immensely. Obtaining knowledgeable and actionable information is now the goal of all governmental and political professionals. We want to introduce a new statistical framework for the task of micro-targeting individual probabilities on voting, issues, and support for your political landscapes. Nexus identifies the right doors to knock on based on probability of supporting your campaign by analyzing voting history measured against race, income and social economic data.


Issues, Petitioning and Advocacy


Need a groundswell of support organized yesterday? Our team members have successfully passed ballot initiatives, shepherded the passage of legislation through organized pressure, and used grassroots lobbying to achieve our clients’ goals. Organizing works because the voice of many is louder than the voice of few, and we are primed to use a variety of techniques to ensure your organization is heard.

We will craft your universe and take your message to the streets, identifying your supporters in the community, and providing them an on-the-spot phone as well as a script to guide the call. What better way to make a politician listen than to bury them under a mountain of postcards and phone calls from their constituents?

Paid Liv Paid Live Callse Calls

For those who prefer a more personal touch, live calls are a great alternative to automation.

There’s no substitute for applying a personal connection throughout your universe, and the versatility live calls provide make them one of the most effective field solutions. Especially useful to political campaigns, we can potentially generate more IDs in one night for your organization than volunteer calls can identify in a month.

Nexus can identify targeted live calls that can still be the difference maker your organization needs to get your message out or can be used to supplement your communication in more of a message reinforcement role.

Organization Building

Whether you have a political campaign lacking volunteers, or an issue advocacy group looking to expand, our organization building solutions will find the bodies you need to be successful. Every member of the team has their roots in organizing, and has used their expertise to build coalitions, get organization members involved and taking action, and created a groundswell of grassroots support. 

Automated Calls


Sometimes your universe is so big, face-to-face communication simply isn’t feasible. Those situations call for innovative solutions like automated-to-live calls. Typically used in issue advocacy or grassroots lobbying campaigns, they begin by determining a target’s views on the subject, and if their answers match your goals, they have the option to be connected to their legislators’ office to express their view personally.

Automated patch through calling programs are “throttled” throughout the day so as to not overwhelm the target with a ton of patches at one time. Instead, our goal would be to “slow drip” the program over the course of the day so as to maximize the effectiveness of the actual patches. These are tremendously effective at both raising awareness, as well as applying pressure to effect the change your project needs. 

Phone Programs


One to four question blind (neutral) ID calls to all affiliations. We will use our likely turnout voter Universe.  We screen for voting likelihood and then ask a series of questions that could include head-to-head, issues, and statements possibly.

These calls give us the most accurate IDs and we reach as many folks as possible.


IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technology to conduct a survey of the district with the goal of 400 to 500 completes. While it would never take the place of an actual poll, it will provide a pulse of the district. This is a very cost-effective way of getting a solid idea of what matters to voters in the district. The numbers below don’t include cell phone calls.

We will crosstab this data for a complete view of the district’s targeted voters.


In the past voter turnout has been projected by past voter turnout—if we’ve learned anything it is that past behavior is only a small part of this. It is time to use predictive modeling, taking the data we have received from both the live calls and the IVR calls we build a predictive model based on the traits of all responses of those who will be voting and whom they are most likely to vote. 

We will use local information, such as past races and consumer data to augment the model.