Rich Horner, Partner
Rich Horner is the former Political Director for the New York State Democratic Committee and Field Director for New York State Coordinated campaigns over the last decade. He and his team have participated in, organized, and run field for some of the toughest congressional campaigns in New York State, as well as all over the country.
In his role as Political Director for New York, Rich was a liaison to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic National Committee. He also ran grassroots issue advocacy campaigns for a number of issues, from Planned Parenthood to New Yorkers for Clean Energy.
In his role as a field consultant to Anthony Brown’s 2014 Gubernatorial campaign, Rich gained the perspective on what worked and what did not work in each of the counties in the congressional district.
Rich’s team brings years of experience to your campaign. Their extensive fieldwork in New York, where primaries are often the only race, will help you identify targets and supporters—and make sure they get to the polls.
Rich was previously the Political Director for Joe Slade White and Company, a nationally recognized media consultant. He is currently finishing his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Buffalo, focusing on voter behavior and statistical voter modeling.
Rob Calentine, Partner
Rob Calentine has 25 years of experience as a political consultant, fundraiser and non-profit executive and advisor. He ran the highly successful political consulting company, 6 Group, for 14 years, where he elected dozens of candidates to public office. He served as Executive Director of the New York State Democratic Senate Campaign Committee where he helped capture the Democratic Majority for the first time in 40 years. Rob has advised a number of 501(c) and 501 (4) organizations. He has served as National Vice President for Development for StudentsFirst and as a Senior Advisor to a major NGO operating in 14 countries.